CIMdata PLM Industry Summary Online Archive

6 September 2007

Company News

DAC Unveils New Web Site, Revamps e-Newsletter; Offers Year-Round Resources for Electronics Design Community

The Design Automation Conference (DAC) re-launched its Web site and delivered the latest version of its newly revised and expanded electronically distributed newsletter called DACeZine.

The redesigned Web site and DACeZine will offer year-round resources from DAC for the entire community of designers, technologists, academics and exhibitors involved in electronics design. Part of ongoing efforts to evolve DAC to meet the needs of the changing designer community, these investments are the result of a year-long strategic marketing and re-branding program that includes renewed focus on areas such as system level design and others, a new logo, and redesigned promotional material.

The DAC Web site features new technical content and links to electronic design automation (EDA) company announcements. A DAC Resource Gateway has been added to give site visitors convenient access to an easy-to-navigate repository of useful and topical information that draws from DAC's 45 years of papers, panels and keynotes highlighting electronic design research and development.

DACeZine, the newly redesigned and expanded monthly e-newsletter from DAC, is led by editor-in-chief Gabe Moretti, a longtime EDA industry veteran and editor. It will feature articles from a rotating group of contributors, including other noted EDA editors and influencers such as Richard Goering, Geoffrey James, Peggy Aycinena, and Gary Smith, as well as guest columns from industry executives.

To read DACeZine or to register as a subscriber, visit the DAC Web site at: .

"The industry is changing and DAC is changing with it," said Limor Fix, associate director at Intel Research Pittsburgh and the 45th DAC general chair. "These developments in our communication tools reflect part of the goals of this year's Executive Committee. While DAC is known as the premier annual conference to learn about successful design methodologies and to understand how to integrate new design technologies into current practices, it needs to evolve into a year-round resource. That is why you'll see more regularly updated content and useful information on the Web site and our DACeZine."

The 45th DAC will be held at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, Calif., June 9-13, 2008.

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